COVID-19 Rehab: Sit to Stand for Deconditioned Patients With BTE PrimusRS

The sit to stand is one of the most important movements of everyday life. Patients recovering from COVID-19 will be dealing with physical limitations that make this important function harder. In this video, we'll show you how to use your PrimusRS to help your patients achieve a safer sit to stand. You can use this exercise with patients who are severely deconditioned.

The sit to stand is one of the most important movements of everyday life. Patients recovering from COVID-19 will be dealing with physical limitations that make this important function harder. If your patients need to regain strength and stability for sit to stand, give them the assistance they need with the PrimusRS.

In this video, we’ll show you how to use your PrimusRS to help your patients achieve a safer sit to stand. You can use this exercise with patients who are severely deconditioned or have cardiorespiratory limitations. Theyโ€™ll be able to practice this movement with less than their body weight.

With the unique Reduced Assistance method, youโ€™ll gradually build their strength and stability to support themselves. Learn how to provide a safer sit to stand treatment and build your patientsโ€™ confidence with the PrimusRS.

For more COVID-19 rehab techniques, check out our treatment guideline on closed-chain, eccentric exercise for COVID-19 rehab using the Eccentron.

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